Sunday, December 28, 2008

I see many things which disturb me in my daily life as an attorney. Sadly, people can be outrageous and cruel. So to eke out the beauty that DOES exist here, I walk. When i walk, I find beauty. When I find beauty, I photograph it. Sometimes, I am blessed to achieve a good result when I photograph. It is those that I shall try to share here.

By the way, my kids and my family are also a great result for which I am partially responsible, so expect to see them here too... :-)

For those who care: I use primarily a Hasselblad H3D-39ii with either an 80 or a 150mm lens. I will often use the built-in flash (surprisingly effective for my work), but will resort to a Metz 76 MZ-5 handle-mount (usually bounced with the fill-flash on). I love to play with flash and really slow shutter speeds. People make that combination magical for me. I will also sometimes use my Nikon D70 with a whole host of lenses (mostly non-autofocus) and either the built-in flash or the same handle-mount previously referenced. The 18-70 Nikkor is a personal favorite, although I love to use either my 55 or 105 MicroNikkors for other than their intended purposes. I have longer lenses, but there's something quite weak (in my humble estimation) about keeping distance between myself and my subject if it is indeed possible to bully my way into a closer position. I hope this diatribe satisfies the camera weenies so we can concentrate on the actual art and avoid awkward conversations which sometimes approximate the nuclear arms race. You win, okay? ;-)

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